Organize, Share and Manage Reviews

Rayyan Teams utilizes an organizational model to organize, share, manage and preserve your systematic reviews across your review teams.  Rayyan Teams enables you to create teams, assign each team members a role, and then assign reviews to teams that automatically inherit team member roles. Team Administrators can see, add and share searches, reviews and full texts across all reviews. Team members each receive access to onboarding, training, VIP support and powerful members-only features.

  • Team Ownership of Reviews
    Rayyan Teams changes the review ownership paradigm - making it easier to maintain and reuse reviews as team members come and go
  • Store and Reuse Searches and Fulltexts
    Reduce the effort and increase the accuracy for future reviews by maintaining relevant searches and articles.
  • Faster Collaboration
    Collaborators can be added automatically to new reviews, can share access to searches, reviews and fulltexts inside their team(s).
  • Get New Features and VIP Support
    All team members will automatically get access to VIP support, special training events and premium Rayyan features.


Manage reviews, users and searches. Provision new users. Share review ownership. Analyze results.


All members of your team receive access to onboarding, training and live VIP support to maximize team productivity.


First access to new features, faster on-boarding, easier review setup, reuse of search and review assets.